how great is it to be here in Dallas Texas and how great it is to be here with my family John and Abigail and with Vice President Biden how wonderful it is to be standing next to him on a stage when it isn't the debate stage so I actually as you all know announced my campaign for president in the middle of a Minnesota blizzard just so I could impress everyone in Texas in particular everyone in Dallas.
so we didn't let the snow stop us we didn't let the cold stop us we did continue through that speech because that's what we do in the heartland we made a little in this campaign in my campaign goes a long way and our homegrown campaign with a tremendous staff that stuck together from the beginning and volunteers every way beat the odds and that got me up here right now on this day.
the most amazing thing was getting to know so many people across the country and I know the vice president knows this as well the Vietnam vet who sobbed as he talked about losing his son to mental
illness the rancher who had voted for Donald Trump but after he saw him give a speech in front of that sacred wall with the CIA stars of those that lost their lives in the line of duty decided he wasn't going to do it again the immigrant mom who told me she works two jobs all for her kids and through it all, I said to them and I believe this now standing with the vice president if you be old tired of the
noise and the nonsense and our politics and if you are tired of the extremes you have a home with me and I think you know you have a home with Joe Biden.
so many people joined us supported us as we carried forward with this simple but fundamental message and that it is time for Americans to join hands instead of pointing fingers it is time to turn back the division and the hate and the exclusion and the bitterness and it is time to work together to lift up those who are left out and to bring people with us instead of shoving them away believe and it's the reason I'm up here that we are never going to out divide the divider in chief we must as
Americans dream bigger than that we have to be better than that because if we spend the next four months dividing our party and going at each other we will spend the next four years watching
Donald Trump tear apart this we need Texans we need to unite our party and our country and to do it not just with our words but with our actions it is up to us all of us to put our country back together to heal this country and then to build something even greater I believe we can do this together and that is why today I am ending my campaign and endorsing Joe Biden.
okay I have a few other things to say Joe Biden has dedicated his life to fighting for people not for the rich and the powerful but for the mom for the farmer for the dreamer for the Builder for the veteran he can bring our country together and build that coalition of our fired-up Democratic base as well as
independents and moderate Republicans because we do not in our party want to just eat by a victory we want to win Bidand Joe.
as you know from all the work he has done that he will not just govern with his head he's got a lot of good ideas but he will also govern with his heart that you know here in this big state of Texas that the heart of this country is bigger than the heart of the guy in the White House it is time America for a president that understands that service is not about self-interest it is about sacrifice it is time for a president that represents all of America including people in the middle of this country at a time when we see people in extremes that are trying to drown out people and most of all it is time and this is what I feel so strongly about it is time for a president that will bring decency and dignity back to the way.
at one of the debates of our many debates, I told the stories you would I told I told the story of Franklin Delano Roosevelt that beloved president and when he died they put his body on a train that went from Georgia to Washington DC and the story is that people spontaneously stood along those
train tracks to show their respect and a reporter came upon a guy regular guy he just had his hat in his hand and he was sobbing and the reporters said to him sir do you mind me asking did you know President Roosevelt and the guy says no I didn't know the president but he knew me and that is exactly what is missing right now in the White House, we have a president that has no empathy that
cannot put himself in the shoes of the people of this country well guess who can do that.
if you out there are trying to figure out how you stretch your paycheck to pay for your rent or your mortgage or someone in your family is you know Joe knows you and he will fight for you you are someone trying to decide how to do you pay for the long-term care for your parents and the child care or the college for your kids Joe knows you and he will fight for you and if you are trying to figure out how am I gonna fill that prescription for insulin or some other prescription drug or fill my refrigerator Joe knows you and he will fight for you so I cannot think of a better way to end my campaign than joining his.
because America you gave an opportunity to the granddaughter of an iron ore miner to the daughter of a teacher and a newspaperman you gave me Minnesota the opportunity to be the first woman
elected to the US Senate from you gave me this incredible year to be a candidate for president of the United States because you have faith in what we can achieve together it is because of your undying belief that for all of us the best is yet to come so before I turn it over to our next president I want to remind you of something really practical tomorrow is Super Tuesday and Texas you are one big Super Tuesday State there are 14 Super Tuesday states including my home state of Minnesota all of you to do is vote for Joe vote for dignity vote for a heart for our country that is what he will bring to the White House hi everyone George Stephanopoulos here thanks for checking out the
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